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Lieben Emilia Roig Hanser Berlin


Hanser Berlin Verlag,  24 September 2024


Emilia Roig Emilia Roig stands for radical change. "Loving" is a plea for more justice, because love should be for everyone. In a patriarchal society, however, romantic love lays claim to all aspects of love: desire, jealousy, intimacy, committment, tenderness. In her first essay, Emilia Roig gives us deep insights into her own biography and revolutionizes our understanding of love: as a transformative energy that connects us not only with our family and friends, but with all people, nature and the cosmos. Her new book is an invitation to love in a more radical, expansive way.
























Die Buchpremiere findet am 27. September 2024 im Heimathafen Neukölln in Berlin um 20 Uhr.


Anfragen für Lesungen und Presseanfragen bitte Yasmin Floria Kreß kontaktieren:


























Buchpremiere Emilia Roig Lieben
Das Ende der Ehe Ullstein Emilia Roig

DAS ENDE DER EHE. Für Eine Revolution der Liebe.

Ullstein Verlag, 30. March 2023


Marriage is sacrosanct in our society. Despite its institutionalization, it is romanticized and mythicized as the epitome of love. Yet marriage often exacerbates inequality for women. Bestselling author Emilia Roig looks behind the facade of a patriarchal construct and shows the way to a revolution of love. 

Marriage regulates relationships and family, controls sexuality, property, and labor. It is an important pillar of our capitalist society and perpetuates patriarchal gender roles. In her bold and provocative book, Emilia Roig calls for the end of marriage. She questions the supremacy of couples and explores whether it is possible to love men and overthrow patriarchy at the same time. Ultimately, abolishing marriage would be liberating not only for women, but for everyone - because only then can we experience love in freedom and as equals.



If you wish to publish a translated version of this book, and for all other enquiries, please contact Yasmin Kreß (



"Das Ende der Ehe" is a tour de force. Emilia Roig's tone is never pretentious, never does she write about marriage mockingly. Equally analytical and insightful, she exposes the fatal effects of patriarchal structures. She includes herself in the analysis and does not shy away from denouncing her own mistakes and shortcomings. The greatest thing about this book is not only its radical critique of the institution of marriage, but also its no less radical hope for other forms of relationships and care.

Carolin Emcke

Emilia Roig has a precision and pointedness like hardly any other intellectual in Germany. Her book is both an eye-opener and a successful bridge over all the great issues of our time. Her theses could accompany us in a significantly way in the future, and I am very excited about that. 


Malcome Ohanwe

From the functioning of sexual desire, to wedding kitsch and radical new ideas for all those who do not find themselves in the heteronormative worldview - there is room for everything that moves our society forward in Emilia Roig's book.


Sibylle Berg

Finally, someone writes this book! No other social construct inhibits the development and potential of two individuals as much as the written and unwritten laws of classical marriage.


Veit Lindau


WHY WE MATTER. Das Ende der Unterdrückung.

Aufbau Verlag, 15. Februar 2021


How do we recognize our privilege? How can white people see the reality of black people? Male Muslims that of white women? And white women those of male Muslims? Emilia Roig exposes the patterns of oppression and guides radical solidarity. She shows - also on the basis of her own family's history, in which racism and Black Pride, trauma and Auschwitz, homophobia and queerness, patriarchy and feminism collide as if under a burning glass - how racism intersects with other types of discrimination in everyday life. Whether on the street, at the university, or in the courtroom, Roig creates a new awareness of how conditions we consider "normal"-the preference for marriage, the male body in medicine, or the canon of classical culture-have evolved historically. And that our world could be a very different one.





Die Sachbuch-Bestenliste für März 2021 von Deutschlandfunk Kultur, dem ZDF und der ZEIT.

Number 14 of the Spiegel Bestseller List one week after the release date. 

Listed as one of the top 5 Books of Month in March 2021 by Süddeutsche Zeitung.

Listed among the most discussed books of the season in April 2021 by Perlentaucher. 

Nominated for the NDR Non-fiction Book Prize 2021


WHY WE MATTER. The End of Oppression. is a revolutionary declaration of love for intersectional humanity and hope. With this book, Emilia Roig ventures into the most important and biggest questions of our time. In a world that is polarized as rarely before, where long-established power structures are bitterly contested in conservative backlashes on the one hand, and forces of resistance are increasingly visible on the other, she manages to take the reader along in a process of transformation that is so necessary for all of us. It is a very comprehensive, complex, smart work that every person should have read. A revolutionary declaration of love that every person should have read.

-- Tupoka Ogette, Autorin des Bestsellers "Exit Racism"

In this book, Emilia Roig skillfully traces the complex lines of conflict and forms of oppression that run like rifts through our society. She bundles them together, looks at them in their entirety, and unravels them. Radical and gentle at the same time. A healing, inspiring gift.


-- Kübra Gümüsay, Autorin des Bestsellers "Sprache und Sein"

The answer to many questions of our uncertain times is: equality for all. And this great book is a step along the way.


-- Sibylle Berg, Bestseller Autorin

This book will change how you perceive the world and make you understand what justice really means. The path to an equal world doesn't have to be a struggle - Emilia Roig shows that we have better tools and how to use them.  


-- Teresa Bücker, Journalistin und Speakerin 


What the press says

»Emilia Roig gelingt das Kunststück, ein bestürzend dichtes Panorama der Hierarchien, Entwertungen und verweigerten Chancen zu zeichnen, ohne dass es wie eine Abrechnung klingt, sondern stattdessen eher einladend, umarmend. 


Müsste man aus dem breiten Angebot zum Thema ein einziges Buch wählen, um den Stand der Forschung und der Debatte anschlussfähig darzulegen,  dann wäre „Why We Matter“ eine gute Wahl.«


Süddeutsche Zeitung

»Ein Plädoyer, die Welt neu zu denken.«



»Wer sich von Roig über die Wirklichkeit aufklären lässt, findet sich in den künftigen Debatten besser zurecht.«



»Mit ›Why we matter‹ blickt Roig in zahlreiche Bereiche, die bis heute von offenem Rassismus, dürftig verkappter Unterdrückung oder unbewussten Mustern der Diskriminierung geprägt sind. Die knapp 400 Seiten haben viel Potenzial, die Augen von weißen, privilegierten Menschen zu öffnen.«



»Die große Resonanz von „Why we matter“ mag auch daran liegen, dass Roig darin die Utopie einer Gesellschaft entwirft, nach der sich viele gerade sehnen: weniger Kapitalismus, mehr Liebe für die Menschen.«



»„Why we matter“ ist ein Buch, das wir inhalieren sollen, das wir immer und immer wieder lesen sollen, bis wir es bis in unsere Fingerspitzen verstanden haben. Es ist ein Monument und ein Ratgeber zugleich. Ein Monument für die Liebe zur Diversität und der Freude am Leben, ein Ratgeber, um eine bessere Welt zu erschaffen und in dieser gleichwohl komplexeren Welt zu navigieren.«



Anthologies & book chapters

unlearn Patriarchy 2 Ullstein Emilia Roig
Das Paradies ist weiblich Emilia Roig
Unlearn Patriarchy Ullstein Emilia Roig
Nerds retten die Welt Emilia roig
Glückwunsch Emilia Roig Hanser Berlin
Emilia Roig Rassismus und Widerstand
Emilia Roig Critical Race theory
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